Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини

List of bachelor’s degree programs (2015, 2016)

Training field 6.020303 Linguistics. Language and Literature (English)

Qualification granted
Bachelor of the field “Philology. Language and Literature (English”
Qualification level
Bachelor (the first cycle of higher education).
Special admittance requirements
None, admittance is conducted on the general admittance conditions.
Special regulations on recognition of the previous education stages (formal, informal, non-official)
Programme profile
The main objective of training of a Bachelor of Philology , a teacher of the English Language and World Literature is the making of an educator who is enabled to provide well-rounded development of socially active, humanistic oriented personalities; to equip pupils with a system of linguistic knowledge, skills and abilities, necessary for their future working career, sufficient for mastering other subjects, for the continuation of education, the formation of the concepts about the ideas and methods and role of linguistics for the cognition of the surrounding reality. For realization of this objective a Bachelor must possess high moral standards, high culture, intellect, tact, professional competence, creative pedagogical thinking, and humanism.
The system of training bachelors-teachers of the English Language and World Literature is aimed at their formation as a professional of high-competency for performing informational, developing, orientating, activating and research functions.
The General amount of the Curriculum is 240 ECTS.
Key results of training
1. Knowledge in the subject sphere
A Bachelor of Philology, a teacher of the English Language and World Literature must:
– possess knowledge and skills for the organization of education at educational institutions of the 2nd-3rd levels of accreditation;
– understand the nature and patterns of social, political and economic development of Ukraine in the world context;
– realize his professional and social role in these processes.

2. Cognitive skills and abilities in the subject sphere
Abilities and skills of abstract and concrete thinking, ability for intensive creative work;
Ability to apply the knowledge with full understanding for solving practical problems in the field of quantitative and qualitative applied linguistic research;
Ability to assess, value, interpret and synthesize information received from various resources;
Skills of written and aural presentation of scientific and practical material;
Communicative skills for the intended professional activity.

3. Practical skills in the subject sphere
Ability to use professional-profile knowledge and practical skills in fundamental and professional courses in the process of obtaining, learning, presenting scientific information and its application in the mastering of foreign languages.

4. General abilities and skills
Ability to consider and use the main rules of the society development and skills of socio-cultural;
Ability to take into consideration the processes of socio-political history of Ukraine, legal foundation and ethical standards in productive, social and political;
Ability for self-study and the continuation of professional development;
Communication skills including aural and written communication in Ukrainian, English and German or French;
Skills of interaction with people, skills for working with children and the youth;
Ability for self-organization and effective time arrangement.

Professional profiles of graduates with examples

A Bachelor according to his or her fundamental and special training can perform the following kinds of professional activities:
– training;
– methodological;
– educational.
A Bachelor is involved into the following kinds of scientific research:
– didactic fundamentals of the formation of foreign language competence of pupils;
– organization of training;
– development of the programmes of new learning technologies and strategies and their experimental check;
– career orientation of pupils;
– individual and group; psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of productive relations between them; the restoration of a relaxed atmosphere in a group;
– multilevel training of teachers.

Access to further education.

A Bachelor of the field “ Philology. Language and Literature (English)” is eligible to procede to the second cycle of the higher education (degrees – Specialist, Master) in major/speciality “Philology”: Specialist –10 month training following a Bachelor’s training programme, Master – 18 months training following a Bachelor’s training programme or 10 months training following a Specialist’s training programme.

Regulations on examinations, assessment and marks/grades.
Regulations on current module and final assessment of students’ knowledge in credit-module system of training organization.

Graduation requirements
The completed training programme of 240 ECTS, passing the final state exam in English and Methodology.

Form of training
Day (full-time)

The Director of the Programme or the assigned official
Nadia Mikhailivna Brit, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), the Dean of the Foreign Languages Department.


Scheme Curriculum for Bachelor’s Degree in Speciality «Philology. Language and Literature (English)»

List of modules of the field 6.020303 Philology. Language Literature (English)

АММВ_6_ ДВС1.16_3 School English Textbooks Analysis
ТТД_06_ ОНД.09_4 Life Security
П_6_ОНД.12_6 Psychology
В_6_ОНД.11_3 Age Physiology and Health Studies
УЛУМН_6_ДВФ.03_3 Introduction to Literature Studies
АММВ_6_ДВС1.09_4 Grammatical Problems of Translation
ПМ_6_ ДВС1.06_4 Linguistics
СЛСМ_6_ДВФ.04_7 World Literature
АММВ_6_ДВС1.17_3 The interpretation of the text
ТПІМ_6_ДВФ.08_10 Spanish
ЗІ_6_ДВС1.15_3 History of Great Britain
АММВ_ДВС1.05_4 History of English
Background to Great Britain
ІУ_6_ОНД.03_4 History and cultures  of Ukraine
ТПІМ_6_ДВФ.08_10 Chinese
ТПІМ_6_ДВФ.01_3 Latin
ТПІМ_6_ДВФ1.03_4 Lexicology of English
АММВ_6_ДВС1.14_3 Language and cultural background of Spanish
АММВ_6_ДВС1.14_3 Language and cultural background of China
АММВ_6_ДВС1.14_3 Language and cultural  background of German
АММВ_6_ДВС1.14_3 Language and cultural  background of France
АММВ_6_ДВФ.09_22 Methodology of Foreign Languages
СЛСМ_6_ ДВФ.07_3 Methodology of World Literature
ВТПТ_6_ДВС1.13_4 Pedagogical Methodology
ТПІМ_6_ДВФ.08_10 German
ТПІМ_6_ДВС.02_4 Contrastive Lexicology
ХЕ _6_ПН 02_1,5 Fundamentals of EconomУ
ІІКТ_6_ОНД.10_3 Fundamentals of Information Science and PC
ПОМ_6_ДВС1.11_3 Fundamentals of Scientific Research
ВТПТ_6_ДВС1.07_4 Fundamentals of Pedagogical Skills
ПОМ_6_ОНД.14_9 Pedagogy
СД_6_ДЕ 05_2 Political Studies
СД_6_ДВС.01_4 Contrastive grammar
ТПІМ_6_ДВС1.12_3 Contrastive stylistics
АММВ_6_ОНД.07_38 English Practice
АММВ_6_ОНД.05_6 English Grammar
АММВ_6_ОНД. 06 _6 English Phonetics
ТПІМ_6_ДВС.1.04_4 Stylistics
ТПІМ_6_ДВФ.10_3 Theoretical Grammar
АММВ_6_ДВФ.06_3 Theoretical Phonetics
УММН_6_ОНД.01_4 Ukrainian for Specific Purposes
ФВ_6_ОНД.08_10 Physical Education
ФС_6_ОНД.04_4 Philosophy
УM_ ДВФ.02_3 Introduction to Linguistics
ФС_6_ДВС1.10_3 Fundamentals of Economic Theory
ПМ_6_ДВС1.08_3 Ukrainian
ТПІМ_6_ДВФ.08_10 French